a bright green succulent plant with water dropplets on it

Is it easier to push until you crash,

rather than admit you need a day off sooner?

Do you avoid taking days off because of the

uncomfortable feelings you get when you do?

If you’re a purpose-driven* leader, it’s not surprising that you said yes.

*mission-driven, heart-centered, conscious, soul-led, spirited ... you go by many names.


an icon of a calendar; text reads making peace with taking  a day off, burnout proof leaders basics

Feel at ease taking a day off,

whenever you need one.

Instant Access for $39

Sound familiar?

You’re an impact-focused leader who finds it hard to admit that you could use a day off.

Even though you encourage your staff to use their PTO, when you yourself are running on empty you’d rather push through than concede it’s time for a break.

a stylized white succulent

Maybe you avoid taking time off because of the uncomfortable feelings that come along with it.

Conscious leaders often secretly feel guilty or anxious about taking time off.

Similarly, they don’t like what it feels like to:

  • lose a day of productivity,
  • be out of the loop,
  • leave staff to fend for themselves,
  • know decisions are being made without them, or
  • have others accommodate them.
a stylized white succulent

But here’s the real rub – you will end up taking a day (or more) off when you eventually crash.

a stylized white succulent

On some level you do know that a day off would serve you well. But you can’t seem to get over your resistance to it.


Maybe you even think resistance is normal – that it shows how dedicated to the cause you are.

First off, please know that it is possible to become the kind of leader who is both dedicated to their mission and able to take a day off without resisting.

What you need to do is take a deep breath, look the resistance square in the eye, and get to know what it is really about.

a question mark in a circle

Sure, you already know it’s hard to admit you need a day off, but what’s underneath that? Why is that the case for you right now?

a question mark in a circle

And you know you don’t like the feelings you have when you do take a day off, but where are they coming from? What is the root source?

If you don’t even know how you’d start to unpack that, or you’d like someone to hold your hand while you do...

Let the

an image of a calendar page; text reads making peace with taking a day off, burnout proof leaders basics

mini-course be your guide.

Buy Now for $39

Getting help overcoming resistance toward taking time off is one common goal of working with an executive coach.


You can have access to the same approach used with Burnout Proof coaching clients, in a self-paced format.  


The Making Peace with Taking a Day Off mini-course helps you shift your mindset and resolve your inner tension so you can feel at ease taking a day off whenever you need one.

Program Features

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Audio recordings guide you through the material and a companion workbook prompts you to reflect.

Feel like you’re being coached, without the expense.

an icon of a calendar page in a circle


When you decide to tackle your resistance, suddenly everything else will seem more pressing to distract you. With 30-day access to the programming, it will be harder for you to procrastinate yet you’ll have some flexibility to work through the material in timing that works for you.

an icon of speech bubbles in a circle


Get your questions answered asynchronously.

Receive not only answers to your questions but the Q&A from all participants.

What's Included

a mockup of a workbook and mp3 file


Three audio recordings guide you through the material and one provides a summary. First, you’ll learn about resistance in general. Then you’ll work specifically on the issues of it being hard to admit you need a day off and not liking the uncomfortable feelings that come with it. Along the way you’ll be prompted to pause the recording to work through exercises in the workbook. Valued at $245.

a mockup of a resource guide


The Reference Guide contains high-level summaries of the concepts presented so you don’t need to focus on writing everything down while you listen but still end up with a handy reference for later. It also includes space for your additional notes.Valued at $35.

katherine m. Sauer, smiling


Get your questions answered asynchronously. Receive not only answers to your questions but the Q&A from all participants. Valued at $193.

Katie Sauer, a smiling blonde woman is seated on the floor, she wears a business suit but her high heels are kicked off beside her

Meet Your Guide

Hi, I’m Katie Sauer, founder of Burnout Proof.

As an ex-nonprofit exec and former academic, I used to cycle through burnout and recovery and have needed my fair share days off.


For years it felt easier to push until I crashed because it felt easier than dealing with the resistance I experienced when I thought about taking a day off sooner.  


You see, I love to work at a full-throttle pace and am an achiever through and through. It feels good to push to the edge and see what I can really do.


I now know how to manage myself so that I can continue to have the high-octane career impact I desire, without sacrificing myself. I started Burnout Proof to share that knowledge and help you on your quest to change the world with energy to spare.

Want to be unphased and even optimistic when you feel it's time to take a day off?

an icon of a calendar; text reads making peace with taking  a day off, burnout proof leaders basics

Immediate Access


I'm ready now!

How do I know the Making Peace with Taking a Day Off mini-course is right for me?

This mini-course is for you especially if:

  • You find it hard to admit you need to take a day off.
  • You don’t like the uncomfortable feelings that arise when you take a day off.

This mini-course is for you even if:

  • You feel like your resistance is stubborn and not likely to go away without a fight.
  • You’re somewhat skeptical that resistance is something that can be worked on in the first place.

This mini-course is not for you if:

  • You aren’t ready to do some deep self-reflection.
  • You aren’t comfortable with digital products (e.g., resource pdfs) or online learning.

If you are unsure about whether the program will meet your needs, let’s hop on a call so you can get your questions answered before you commit. 



The total audio runtime is just shy of one hour. However, the questions in the workbook will likely take you several hours to complete. You may also need to let some questions percolate for a few days before you are ready to answer. The content can typically be completed over 4 to 5 sessions, though your experience will of course vary. Start with blocking off 30 to 45 minutes for your first session and see how far that takes you.


This might not be the mini-course for you, though you would likely still benefit from the first module which is about resistance in general.


Since Burnout Proof’s programming is not yet widely known, we want to build up some brand credibility. We want it to be a no brainer for mission-driven leaders to say yes to the purchase price so we can get our high-quality content out into the world.


During graduate school, I was fortunate to go through the best preparing future faculty program in the nation. I then spent a decade as an economics professor and was recognized multiple times for outstanding teaching. As a nonprofit executive at a national educational foundation, I oversaw the design, delivery, and evaluation of programming used by millions of high school students, college students, and consumers. In addition to a doctorate in economics, I’ve obtained a certificate in change leadership, and have completed executive education in nonprofit management. I’m a formally trained executive coach, nutritionist, and yoga and meditation instructor.


How thoughtful of you! We’d love to make this work for you and your lucky someone. Please reach out to hello@beburnoutproof.com and we’ll discuss the logistics.


Since access to all materials is immediate upon purchase, there are no refunds for the Making Peace with Taking a Day Off mini-course. However, Burnout Proof does want to ensure you have a worthwhile experience when engaged in our programs and services. If you login and are quickly dissatisfied with this program, please drop us an email within two calendar days of your purchase and we’ll explore how we might be able to make things right.


Of course. Schedule a call and we’ll make sure you get answers.

Are you ready to resolve your resistance to taking a day off?


an icon of a calendar; text reads making peace with taking  a day off, burnout proof leaders basics

help you shift your mindset and resolve your inner tension so you can feel at ease taking a day off whenever you need one.


Doesn't that sound nice?

Terms & Conditions for Making Peace with Taking a Day Off mini-course

Please review our general Terms & Conditions and Privacy Statement.  


Refund Policy: Sales of the Making Peace with Taking a Day Off mini-course are final and there are no refunds.

Online Account: You agree to keep your account secure and are responsible for the information associated with your account and anything that happens related to your account. Please use a strong password that is used only with this account and utilize any enhanced security features that may be available through the third-party learning platform (i.e., Podia). If you suspect your account has been compromised, notify the instructor immediately.

Access: Participants have access to the program materials in the online learning portal for 30 calendar days from the purchase date.

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(I do that, too.)

When you resist taking a day off because it's hard to admit that you need one or because you don't like the uncomfortable feelings that come up when you do, the

an image of a calendar page; text reads making peace with taking a day off, burnout proof leaders basics

mini-course helps you shift your mindset and resolve your inner tension so you can feel at ease taking a day off whenever you need one.

Buy Now for $39